
Sunday, February 9, 2014

back for good :)

wow.. i didn't realize that  it's been a year i did not walk in here...lupaa btul pd blog ni..punya la sebuk and through that 2013 ..lots of things had happened...suka,duka,pahit,manis..semua adaaa...macam-macam ada macam kata pakcik Astro tu.. hehehheh....apa yg di sangka and di jangka x berlaku, apa yg tak di harap and tak di minta itu yang terjadi..well...kuasa ALLAH kan ..tak siapa yang mampu menghalang kalau dah nak terjadi cuma cepat atau lambat saja. dan sesungguhnya kita hanya mampu merancang..ALLAH jua yang menentukan segala... tapi apa pun ..bersyukur dengan segala rahmat dan pemberian dari NYA.. :) .. semoga 2014 membawa lebih kebahagiaan, keberkatan, kesenangan..dan segallaaaa '' yang baik baik belaka on!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

ramadhan :)

hahaha..lupa plk nk citer ..dh masuk hari ke 2 ramadhan..ramadhan datang lagi..hopefully tahun ni  lbh2 baik lagi dr yg teruknya tahun ni melepek mcm bdk kecik bru blajaq posa..sebab x boleh tahan dahaga and sb dehydration asyik buang air,,hahahah... kalau sblm2 ni sebuk dh htr baju raya sb tkut xde tailor nk amek thn ni..1 helai kain pon aku tak hantar kat mana2 tailor...hahah..bior betul??/ selalu 7 pasang msti dh hntar dh cukup tuk beraya seminggu..hahah..hmm...entahlah..tahun ni agak bengong sket.. nak pi cari baju jualan murah je nanti..kalau sempat :) apa pun semoga ramadhan kali ini yg terbaik untukku..InsyaAllah :)


How confusing it is..can a friendship turn 2b love or a love 2b friendship, or is it both moving in the same way? A relation started about 7 years ago if i'm not mistaken, met once,  lost contact 4 about some times until finally we met again this year...tho without seeing faces or eyes 2 eyes meeting..the feeling never dies (as i thought so n feel ) but however now the situation is totally different.. with title change , how can i pursue with the relation, though we r still using the same road i could not deny the fact that he has to stop somewhere along the way and i could not and should never be the obstacle to stop him. Though it's not his choice, but he might not b able 2 walk with me towards the end. And do i really save the room in my heart for him, that i could not b sure.. WHY? bcos im more afraid 2b dejected and rejected..again.. i dont want to be the thorn that will prick and hurt another soul of my own... but at the same time i could resist the feeling i have since i knew him long ago before she did.. and why only now he has the guts 2 ask me my feelings when things has change? and what abt himself..though he said love i still could not see it as 'love' as he keep saying, he loves me as a friend .....  :( and me??? do i love him????

Sunday, July 15, 2012

its not so exciting..:)

hmmm...haven't been here for months as im trying to adapt my new life in new place. well, no doubt there are  big difference in every single way of how things work, some r good, some are ok..but of course the sakit hati part always turn up hahahah... but being me and the maturity that time has built me with help me go through the situations pretty my own eyes of course..i don want to think about how others think about me..sepatah kata abg Jem ~ ADA AKU K?? hahahaha

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011 almost over?!

pejam celik pejam celik, 2011 is almost over, hmm.. 2012 is creeping not too slow..and guess what, next year im going 2 meet new colleagues, new faces, new kids, new trend of working, new circle of people cos im transfering 2 a new work place :)..which i was hoping n wishing for so much!! :) *joget*joget* haha, is unbelievable at 1st cos im not expecting it after all that been said, anyway its a good sustainance from ALLAH, who knows life wud b better :) ..however im gonna miss my dear friends at the previous place, may they would be blessed n always be happy .. im leaving 4 good after spending 9 years there and hopefully thing will turn out well 4 me
mood: happy, sad, anxious... :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nasi Cendawan :)

nasi cendawan ~ a recipe created because of organising the open house 4 this year Hari Raya..hahahah..but amazingly it was a star of the day..hik hik hik...x sangka! punya la fenin x tau nk hidang apa..cos yg biasa2 tu dh boring..ecececeh boring la konon..dok selak2 recipe books pon x menarik jiwa kpla ligat pikior nasi apa yg lain dr biasa...pikir pya pikir..blinkkkk!!!! hahahah....maka mentol ilham pon menyala.. a combination of nasi tumis minyak and nasi claypot..jeng..jeng..jeng..tadaaaaaa!!! Nasi Cendawan!!!!

dh siap di taburi la plk dgn almond slice yg dh di sangai and spring onion..wallah! terpaksa puji diri sndiri..memey la sedap..blh mkn begitu sjer tnpa lauk..hehe. but on the other hand udah namanye nasik, klo xde lauk mcm x best gitu buat la peneman2nya heheh..acar sayur black pepper beef and ayam goreng ala ala pizza hut...fuyoohhhhhh....sgt best hehehe ( puji diri sdri lg hahaha)

Nasi Cendawan
Bahan A
3 ketul isi ayam (bhgn dada) potong kecil2

2 sudu bsr Minyak bijan
5 sudu bsr kicap pekat
3 sudu besar sos tiram
3 sudu bsr sos barbecue oriental(beli di tesco)
3 inci halia potong halus2 memanjang
8 ulas bawang putih (tumbuk)
1 labu bwg besar (besar) (tumbuk)
Sedikit gula& serbuk perasa
(semua bahn di gaul dan di perap)

Bahan B
Cendawan cina(shitake) kering ( 15 keping.. lebih pon lg hehe)
Rendam dan di potong nipis
Bahan tumis/nasi
Sebuku butter(250gm)
Secawan minyak masak
2 labu bwg besar dihiris nipis

5 ulas bwg putih di hiris nipis
2 btg kayu manis
2 bunga lawang
2 buah pelaga
Sebatang serai
Daun pandan
3 Kiub ayam dihancurkan
Garam 8 sudu
Serbuk perasa 1 sudu penuh
Beras ( 10 mngkuk lbh kurng saiz 4inci)
Air (12 mngkuk yg sama)
( klu nk msk sikit..kurngkan yg mana patut )
Panaskan butter+minyak
tumis kayu manis, bga lawang & buah pelaga
Tumis bwg hiris hingga kekuningan
Masukkan serai & daun pandan
Masukan bahan A &tumis selama 5 minit
Masukan cendawan yg dihiris (tumis 5 minit)
Masukkan air +garam+ perasa+ kiub ayam
Masukkan juga air rendaman cendawan td
Masukan beras yg dh dicuci

Biarkn higga kering n masak
Setelah masak hiaskan dgn daun bawang & badam hiris yg sdh dibakar—

caramel cake :)

a bit tertinggal keretapi..others have tried this, and i just have the gut 2 try it recently..but it turn out superbly nice :) however mmg dh jenis suka mengubah it has become different ..but not entirely on the recipe just added a few here n there, this and that.. but apa2 pun thanx to the person who created ths cake :)

Caramel cake


2 sudu besar gula (utk bt gula hangus) i put 1 scoop heheh

*tabur gula dlm loyang n msk ats api perlahan..biar gula hancur n wrna tukar jd perang)
(B) - Bhagian Atas

1/2 tin susu cair FN...(blh tmbah klu nk karamel tebal ckit) i used 1 tin

70gm gula kastor

1/2 sudu teh esen vanila

3 bj kuning telur...(klu tmbah susu cair kena tmbah gak kuning telur-add 1 whole egg)

(C) - Lapisan Kek

140gm tepung gandum

70gm gula kastor

3 bj kuning telur

135ml air biasa

1 sudu teh baking powder (guna sudu KFC)

45ml minyak msk


6 bj putih telur

70gm gula kastor

1 sudu teh krim of tartar (guna sudu KFC)

Cara menbuatnya:
1. Kacau semua bhn (B) perlahan2...jgn bg berbuih2...nti x jd karamelnye...

2. masukkan (B) td dlm loyang gula hangus tadi.

3. pukul bahan (C)

4. pukul sampai bhn (D) smpai jd kembang n bila kita angkat dia x jatuh...

5. campurkan adunan (C) + (D) dan gaul ngan senduk hingga sebati..

6. bahgikan kpd beberapa bhgian n tak warna n paste klu nk..

7. masukkan kedlm loyang yg td..

8. Bakar cara double boiling - selama 1jam suhu 160-180C

9. Bila msk angkat n rest 10 minit @ lebih br t'balik kan kek yg dibakar tadi...

10.Masukkan dlm peti sejuk 1jam n lepas 2 mkn sejuk2
p/s boley la jugak letak perasa pd cake n caramel..tu yg i kata ubahsuai heheh :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

nasi ulam :)

mmg sedap di makan n menyihatkan.. :) preparation is a bit hectic..hahaha but the outcome is superb!

baking and cooking theraphy..:)

baking and cooking...yeaahhhh!!
the 2 things i enjoy most nowadays..beside errr..sleepping of course!!! hahahah..these things have become the best theraphy in order 2 retain control of myself hahahah..sounds bad?? nah...just exagerating..(but sometimes it does!!) so start from now on ..ths blog will b full of recipes and pics of food!!..just 2 savour the eyes and well honestly share the fun of cooking and baking for those who afraid of the kitche appliances.. hahaha ..sorry guys..just teasing u all...hahaha

Sunday, July 24, 2011

back again..

its been a while..:) kind of forgot actually tht i have a teruk laa..apart from that was quite busy with after another came rolling grabbed all the free time 2 have rest..the nicest rest is alwaysss sleeeeepppppp!!!! sleeping so much.. and not forgetting the stress tht came along with the work..and to overcome tht...baking and cooking! those 2 very much!!! :)pictures will b uploaded soon :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hehehe :)

haha..dont know why suddenly i like him..just bcos his character in the drama 'sassy girl-chung hyang' :)

Delightful Girl Choon hyang OST - izi - Ee mi geu daen/ My love for her

this is him :)

korean drama??

well , when people were busy talking abt korean drama and how fun and nice they are..i had never been bothered to be among the circle. it was long ago, when i was a great fan of a few japanese drama such as rin hanekoma and the 1 tht i cudnt remember the title.. however last december a friend provoked me by handing me a CD and to watch ths korean drama called 'sassy girl-chung hyang'.. i didnt watch it until last week when i was getting so bored wth work. it had been in the drawer ever since. well, wht can i say abt it?? nice, fun, interesting but what attract me most was the character of the CEO - Chairman Byun and im loving him tht instance..hahahah.. crazy i can say..but there's sumthg abt the character tht tied my heart to him..but 4 sure la can just love him from a far..hahah.. not bcos of him being rich in tht drama but how he carried himself as a man.. :)

new year..

hmm..been busy..not sure how..but busy is the easiest word to say..hahah. didnt drop anythg here since the new year came..myb bcos my emotions, moods and spirits aren't so enthusiast..all slowly crept away of my life..haaiishhh..wht's happening 2 me?
need to get all those things running back to me...need 2 heal myself! go 4 it!! :)